My latest single and music video KOI BOL RAM was featured in Indian online music magazine The Wild City’s “Releases of the Week” this week.
Soon, it will be a year since the nation outraged over the divisive Citizenship Amendment Act and protests at places like Shaheen Bagh inspired many others to voice their concern. Sonny Singh, of widely-appreciated New York-based group Red Baraat, reflects back on it as a solo artist with his second single 'Koi Bol Ram' and its music video. Instead of channelling grief and grit, Singh instead focuses on the beauty of unity among the protestors – launching into an anthemic uplifting melodic refrain inspired from Sikh Kirtans and Punjabi music while backed by a vibrant wave of brass.
Singh doesn't shy away from the problems around the topic either, expressing with deep concern over e-mail: "Given the recent Supreme Court decision on the Shaheen Bhag protest and the continued imprisonment of protesters, it feels like an important time to bring this issue to the forefront in my music. As an Indian American, it feels necessary for me to connect the rise of Hindu nationalism in India to similar dynamics of white nationalism and authoritarianism in the US."
See the full article here.